Impacting Lives Through Storytelling...
Beeta Universal Arts Foundation
Founded by award winning actress and producer, Bikiya Graham-Douglas is a foremost Nigerian organization focused on creating opportunities and innovative solutions for development in performing arts through production, competitions, education and outreach.

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Insured, leather interior, rain sensor, air conditioning.

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Insured, leather interior, rain sensor, air conditioning.

Why Choose Us
Our Son The Minister

It is a satire of the Nigierian situationand highlights societal culpubility in making bad leaders
Paperworth Books

With 149 pages, this book is a quick but engaging , entertaining and downright honest satire addressing the current mindset of the Nigerian community.
Roving Bookworm

Where do we start? Our son the minister taught us that success has too many friends. A child belongs not just to his family, but the entire community. The play also reveals the decadance in our society

Our son the ministerisn't a cynical production despite drops of pessimism scattered around and the tidy ending is proof. The director adopts a hopeful if not trite pose that speaks of the importance of being virtuous
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Rosalee Melvin
Laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat.